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Sick Survival Kit

Katie & Amanda

Both our kids have been sick this year with different ailments and as much as you can think you are prepared to handle a sick baby, toddler or child, it's impossible. The greatest advise I was given from a friend was to have a sick survival kit on hand. Naturally as a first time mom I become a bit unhinged when I feel the warm forehead, hear the congestion, and see the glossy eyes.

Sickness knows no schedule and has the worst timing. It will come knocking on your door in the middle of the night or in the early morning hours on a holiday weekend or when you have an event planned. Extra towels in the closet and wipes in the drawers, being prepared and having these items readily available can help you while you are tip toeing around in the middle of the night trying not to wake the rest of the house.

If I have learned anything it is that I have an extreme love for Aquaphor and you can easily compare me to the dad in my Big Fat Greek Wedding. It is the magic elixir and cures all! Irritated skin, scraps, scratches and bumps…Aquaphor!! Every child is different so between the two of us we were able to put together a survival list of necessities to help the entire house cope with illness. Make sure you are stocked up on household cleaning products to disinfect and have toothbrush replacements on hand.


  • Infant/Children Tylenol and Motrin: Is it helpful to have both? YES...In cases of high fever, it is helpful to piggyback Tylenol and Motrin to keep the temps down. Katie mentioned this in A very COVID Thanksgiving blog post. As always, follow directives from your pediatricians. Pro tip: opt for dye free when possible to avoid any staining!

  • Saline Drops

  • Humidifier

  • Blocked Nasal Passage: There are numerous items out there to aid in the removal of pesky boogers. Oogiebear and Fridababy are two we recommend. Boogie Wipes can help with runny noses and are not as rough as some facial tissue brands.

  • Aquaphor: Remi's face became extremely irritated and dry from the amount of times we wiped her nose. I swear a little goes along way.

  • Thermometer: find one or two you are comfortable and confident in using. We have an ear and forehead thermometer. Don’t forget the batteries!

  • Frida Vapor Bath Bomb

  • Frida Fever Patch

  • Extra Sheet/Blanket

  • Wash clothes or small towels

  • Popsicles/Pedialyte Pops: we go through a ton of popsicles when our littles are sick. Our go to brand is GoodPop and Outshine.

  • Snacks: Apple sauce, pudding, fruit and Jell-O cups are always good to keep on hand. Your little one may not have the best appetite.

  • Soups: If you not the homemade soup type, Lipton or Annie’s will work just fine. I make sure to keep 1-2 boxes or cans in the pantry incase of emergency.

  • Plain crackers

  • Disposable sippy cups: We keep a stash on hand now from Amazon! They come in a 20 pack and are completely toss and spill proof!

  • Crayons and Coloring Books

  • New TOY or BOOK!


  • Vitamin C Packets/Vitamins

  • Tissue

  • Comfy Pajamas/Robe/Slippers

  • Extra strength Keurig cups

  • Tea and Honey (great for coating sore throats)

  • Book/Puzzle/Cards

  • Hand Sanitizer

  • Extra disposable bags for vomit

Helpful tip: grab a small storage bin and fill it up with all these items, label it (sick kit). Keep the storage bin in a closet for when needed! This is the perfect place to keep any dosage charts for fever reducing medicine along with a paper and pen to document medicine schedules. It won't be easy and may be a few of the hardest days to tackle as a parent. Being prepared will eliminate the extra stress of needing health supplies. Last piece of advice, be sure the wine stash is full too. :)

Stay Healthy & Safe!

X0 - Katie and Amanda


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