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Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Registering for my baby was not something I approached carefree. I did extensive research. I constantly consulted friends with babies for their opinions. I read every article and product review, so I was best prepared. I absolutely loved registering for my wedding. The difference was I knew exactly what my husband and I would use/want. I probably sound absolutely insane, but I know babies need a lot of stuff and I am a minimalist. I live in a condo in the city with insignificant storage space. My goal was to purchase items that were either compact, collapsed for storing, and/or served multiple purposes. I am very comfortable around newborn babies and spent so much time babysitting my cousins and nieces in the past that I know every baby is unique. There is no one size fits all registry. The things that worked for my baby may be the complete opposite for you. I hope my registry helps guide you to make the best possible decisions for your lifestyle. - X0 Amanda


Pro-Tips… the things I wish I knew prior to registering.

  • Bottles: I recommend purchasing single bottles, not sets, if you need to experiment with baby. Also, depending on how much your baby drinks the 4oz bottles can quickly become useless. Opt for larger bottles that will last longer and purchase sets once you know baby approves. Most stores will NOT allow bottles to be returned once they have been opened.

  • Preferences: Bath products, diapers, wipes, dish soap and laundry detergent were not registry necessities, but I included them because I had a brand preference. We try to use products that are clean and natural in our home.

  • Keep Boxes: I cannot tell you how many things I returned from my registry despite my extensive research and experience with children. My goal was to breastfeed for 6 months. I lasted 6 weeks and returned almost all the breastfeeding supplies I got. Also, if you receive any diapers wait to open packages until you are on that size. You do not want to end up with extra diapers that your baby has outgrown. I recommend opening as you go and buying smaller packs when you are close to sizing up.

  • Swaddles: Swaddles are like bottles and binkys. Some babies hate swaddling, some crave it, some have a swaddle preference. I recommend purchasing a few different types of swaddles. Once I found the swaddle that worked for my son, I returned the remaining ones we were gifted. I never used the muslin swaddles to actually swaddle my baby. Sonny spit up a ton, so I used them to cover things because they were easy to wash and swap out. They also made a great backdrop for photos and are a good warm weather blanket!

  • Baby Clothes: If you are like me, you will probably want every article of clothing washed and organized before baby arrives. Everyone told me I would not need newborn clothes and ironically, I did not have enough. On the other hand, some babies never fit in newborn clothing. It is best to wash clothes as your baby gets closer to wearing them.

This OR That

  • Baby Washcloths VS FridaBaby Silicone Bath Brush - The FridaBaby silicone bath brush is amazing and once less thing I need to wash!

  • Traditional Changing Pad VS Foam Changing Pad - I wish I did more research on changing pads. There are so many awesome options out there that make messy diaper changes more convenient. A traditional changing pad and cover is more aesthetically pleasing for my nursery decor, but definitely not more practical!

  • Sit-Me-Up Floor Seat VS Bumbo Seat - The floor seat I registered for felt sturdier and collapsed for easier storage and travel!

  • Traditional Swing VS 4moms Mamaroo Swing - I was fortunate enough to get a Mamaroo as a hand-me-down from a friend. The price tag is pretty stiff, and I do not know a single baby that enjoyed it after a couple months. Also, it is a monstrous eyesore! I eventually donated the Mamaroo and purchased an inexpensive traditional swing (that of course folded up). I would recommend steering away from the Mamaroo hype. Get a product that doubles as a swing AND bouncer like the Graco Duet Sway XL Swing with Portable Bouncer.

  • Expensive Bassinet VS Stroller Bassinet - Co-sleeping was not part of our baby plan, but not everything goes according to plan! I also had a fear of transitioning our baby from sleeping with motion to the crib. Our stroller had a bassinet so we used it when we temporarily co-slept. UPPAbaby has a bassinet stand you can purchase, but we just wheeled the stroller next to the bed or couch. We saved money, didn’t have another item taking up valuable space and avoided having something else to store!

  • Nail Clippers VS Nail File Kit - I was extremely confident in cutting my son’s nails until he was 4 months old. After clipping his poor skin I invested in a nail file kit and tossed the clippers.

  • Nest Camera VS Traditional Baby Monitor - Both options are expensive and a big financial investment, but my thoughts were eventually the baby monitor is going to be obsolete. As my child gets older, I know I’m going to want a camera in his room so I figured this was the long-term solution. Our home is already fully equipped with Nest products for security, so it worked perfectly for us. It also helps that my husband is very tech savvy.

My Returns

  • Baby Shusher: Some swear by this product, but my son never needed it. The biggest complaint I have heard from parents is the timer is not long enough. Keep the box if baby is not impressed.

  • Owlet Smart Sock: I was convinced I was going to love this product. I ignored all the advice and negative reviews. The first night we used the Owlet it gave us 4 alerts about our son’s oxygen levels. After a trip to the pediatrician the next day we returned it. I think the owlet is great for older babies, but if you plan on using it early on, I wouldn’t recommend.

  • Sleepers, Sleep Gowns, Swaddles: Find what works for your baby and return what doesn’t. I wasted a lot of money on these items. In the end what worked best for us was long sleeve kimono t-shirts and a sleep sack! It was probably the most cost-effective option since I only bought two sleep sacks and a 4 pack of kimonos.

Favorite Items

I hope this guide helps you masterfully navigate any registry challenges. At the end of the day you will know what works best for you, your baby, and your lifestyle. Trust your instincts and keep your receipts is the best advise I can give you!!!


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